Red Herring Productions is a Community Interest Company based in Bideford, North Devon that creates arts projects with a social impact. We specialise in outdoor, interactive performance that blurs the edges between the performance and the audience.
We believe that bringing groups of people together to experience familiar places in unfamiliar ways can strengthen connections between people and an appreciation of the places where we live. And where people are not able to join us outdoors, we think of ways to bring a bit of the outdoors inside to them.
As we develop our projects, we create opportunities for diverse groups of people to get involved – they might help to inform the performance through sharing their lived experience, learn design skills and contribute to set and costume design, learn performance skills and take part in performances.
We also believe that play can help us to appreciate and take care of our communities and the places where we live and visit. We wish to become more responsible for our impact on environments and encourage others to do so too.
- We believe that being Playful is good for body and soul – it can stimulate creativity and happiness, whatever our age
- We think that being Daring, being open to new things, is liberating
- We are Caring of the natural world and our place in it
- We are Collaborative, believing that we are happier when we connect together
- We are Accepting of all irrespective of age, race, gender, health or background
- We value Resourcefulness concerning skills, assets and materials
Red Herring is led by two women – creators and producers with a combined 50 years of experience of devising, making and delivering outdoor performance across the UK. Read our Who we are to find out more about our individual experience.
Red Herring is well recognised in the Outdoor Arts Sector. We have received commissions from a number of organisations including Without Walls Consortium, Green Carpet & Winchester Hat Fair and received funding from organisations including Arts Council England, The Heritage Lottery Fund, Awards for All and North Devon Coasts National Landscapes. The company is a member of the Without Walls Creative Development Network. Read our Company History to find out more.